Monday, July 9, 2012

Ekkehard Altenburgers Mirror House

German born Ekkehard Altenburger lives and works in the UK today. He specializes in unusual sculptures and installations that gives everyday places a touch of the surreal-
You can check out his other projects (LOVE the "Colorspace" !)  on his website:
By far my favorite is the temporary installation on the Isle of Tyree in Scotland. It just looks so magical.

Ekkehard Altenburger “Mirror House”,1996

Monday, July 2, 2012

Mapping the Moon

Wow, have you ever seen the moon like this? These images, made by the US Geological Survey  are maps of the moon and so colorful and striking they might as well be artworks.
I always think of the moon as something very fascinating, it's so far away and yet we feel its influence each day in the tides of the ocean.
The images above show the north and south side of the moon, below are maps of the near side.
Enjoy and check out more maps on the official page of the US Geological Survey.
