Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Art of Clean Up - Ursus Wehrli

In case that didn't come through yet, I am German. And I was told that, among other things like beer and sausages (eww), Germans like meticulous order, efficiency and neatness.
While I am not so sure about me fitting into this profile ( especially looking at my desk) I DO like the new book by Swiss artist Ursus Wehrli who rearranges everyday objects and scenes into an eye pleasing order of size, color and shape. Sure, this all seems like Wehrli has a serious problem with OCD but the book entitled "The Art of Clean Up" is simply a pleasure to flip through.

Ursus Wehrli
gebunden, 48 Seiten
Format 27,0 x 21,0 cm

ISBN: 978-3-0369-5297-0 

16.90 €28.00 CHF


  1. aahahahaha! OMG i love the post!
    the pics are absolutely gorgeous! Now im following u, follow me back please?

    PD: love the pics of the swimingpoll ahjaahah

    xoxox Bor,

  2. wow this is incredible! I love the way he rearranged things, they look so tidy! thanks for sharing :)
