Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Stop looking at facebook for a moment, don't update your twitter and refrain from checking in on fourssquare. Be careful where you put your feet at the new exhibit of the FLAG Art Foundation at the Chelsea Towers.
You have  until August 24th to check out (and stumble over) some great pieces like the ones below.

Grimanesa AmorosUros, 2012. LEDs, diffusion material, vinyl, custom lighting sequence, electrical hardware, 5 x 7 x 1 ft

“Watch Your Step” examines the relationship of the work to the floor and how the viewer experiences the work, shifting one’s perspective from eye-level to start from the ground. Various works emanate directly from the floor, while others use the space between ground and wall to increase one’s perception of the horizontal plane and the architecture. " 

So put that phone away for a while and enjoy works by: Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Polly Apfelbaum, Lynda Benglis, Patricia Cronin, Tara Donovan, Steven & William Ladd, Richard Long, Michael Phelan, Kiki Smith, Julianne Swartz, Richard Serra, and Corban Walker.

Lynda Benglis, Untitled , 1970 Pigmented polyurethane foam; Courtesy Cheim & Read, New York

Michael Phelan, Tomorrow's a new day... (No.5) , 2009-2011. Glass; Courtesy of the artist

Kiki Smith, Untitled , 1992. bronze with patina; © Kiki Smith, courtesy The Pace Gallery Photo by: Sarah Harper Gifford / Courtesy The Pace Gallery

FLAG Art Foundation
June 7 - August 24, 2012
Watch Your Step 
545 West 25th Street, 9th Floor

HOURS: During the Summer FLAG is open to the public every Wednesday through Saturday in June and Tuesday through Friday in July and August, 11am to 5pm.

1 comment:

  1. The show is Fantastic; my favorite watch your step art work was Grimanesa Amoros, and her interpretation of the Peruvian Uros Island. Adding illumination to the piece using the colors of the sunrise over Lake Titicaca brought a dimension of spiritual life of the land of the Incas. Great artist who came from the land of Peru.
