Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Jill Greenberg- Glass Ceiling

You have 3 weeks left, until August 19th, to see Jill Greenbergs exhibition of "Glass Ceiling" at Clamp Art in Manhattan (521-531 West 25th Street, Ground Floor).
I wish I could go and see this stunning series in person. Aren't the colors amazing?  Greenberg claims that this series relates to her roots in feminist art but I am not sure I buy that, her focus seems way too much on aesthetics to be feninist art. Maybe if the models weren't so perfect ....
 Not that I'm complaining, I love her work.

"Inspired by a commercial assignment that involved Olympic athletes in stillettos, Greenberg was struck by the absurdity of the styling. The shoes, meant to heighten sexuality restrict movement and impose a lack of control. The tension of the models surfacing for gasps of air while wrestling with the weight of the water acts as a metaphor for the role women must play in the outside world" ( from the gallery note)

The show runs till August 19 at Clamp Art NYC

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